
No one was more surprised than me when I became a band groupie. I'm telling you: Everyone knows that Laura is calm and sensible and well-grounded. Laura doesn't do flakey, flighty things like following a band around the province (and other places). The Wyrd Sisters blew me away, however. I really had no choice.

Anyhow... here's a list of Wyrd Sisters concerts I have attended to date, along with links to pics, stories and other thoughts concerning my life as a "Wyrdo".

  1. November 14, 1997 - Concert with Orchestra London, Centennial Hall (London, Ontario)
    I wrote a review of sorts about my first experience at a Wyrd Sisters concert. (I'm not really happy with this piece because it doesn't come close to adequately describing my experiences that night, but it's the best I have come up with so far.)
  2. August 30, 1998 - Ottawa Folk Festival (3 sets), Britannia Park (Ottawa, Ontario)
    Deep Space Adventures of Laura's Demented Mind, Episode 7 contains a funny story about my experiences at the 1998 Ottawa Folk Festival.
  3. October 1998 - Niagara Artists' Collective (St. Catherines, Ontario)
  4. October 1998 - The Music Gallery (Toronto, Ontario)
  5. October 1998 - Lighthouse Festival Theatre (Port Dover, Ontario)
  6. October 1998 - some bar the name of which I cannot remember (Hamilton, Ontario)
  7. June 26, 1999 - Heritage Festival (St. Jean Baptiste, Manitoba)
  8. July 1, 1999 - Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival, Old Market Square (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
  9. July 17-18, 1999 - Marquette Traditional Music Festival (5 sets), (Marquette, Michigan)
  10. January 29, 2000 - Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts (Oakville, Ontario)
    At my tenth Wyrd Sisters concert (16th, if you count the individual stages at folk festivals) I finally got my picture taken with Kim!
  11. February 4, 2000 - Concert with Orchestra London, Centennial Hall (London, Ontario)
    My friends and I waited in much anticipation for this concert, the Wyrds' first in London in over two years. We built a countdown chain to mark off the days until the concert and held a photo shoot at the concert itself and during our preparations to attend it.
  12. February 9, 2000 - The Rivoli (Toronto, Ontario)
  13. August 24-26, 2001 - Ottawa Folk Festival (4 sets), Britannia Park (Ottawa, Ontario)
    Deep Space Adventures of Laura's Demented Mind, Episode 8 contains stories about my experiences at the 2001 Ottawa Folk Festival (not all about the Wyrd Sisters).
  14. April 6, 2002 - Concert with Orchestra London, Centennial Hall (London, Ontario)
    Pics of this concert and our training sessions for it are available here.
  15. April 12, 2002 - Hugh's Room (Toronto, Ontario)
    Kim told me a couple of years ago that the Wyrd Sisters were going to get better. I so enormously did not believe her at that time. (Who would have thought it possible?) Well, it turns out that Kim was right, and I was WRONG! Read more here.
  16. July 18, 2003 - Hugh's Room (Toronto, Ontario)
    For any of you who have yet to hear the Wyrds in their latest configuration - what are you waiting for? Rest assured - these ladies have still got it and new band member Lindsay Jane is wonderful!
  17. August 31, 2003 - Kim's backyard (Ponemah, Manitoba)
    Kim says this wasn't a concert, it was a jam. Actually, it was a party in Kim's backyard, but the Wyrds were all there, they performed Wyrd tunes and I danced. If it looks like a Wyrd Sisters concert, sounds like a Wyrd Sisters concert and feels like a Wyrd Sisters concert... it makes this list at any rate. I so needed a vacation and a camping trip and the shores of Lake Winnipeg were beautiful. Pictures are here.
  18. March 19, 2004 - Hugh's Room (Toronto, Ontario)
  19. March 20, 2004 - Landon Library (London, Ontario)
    After my 19th Wyrd Sisters concert (28th if you count the individual stages at festivals) I finally got the Wyrds into my bed!
  20. June 25-26, 2004 - Thundering Women (Thunder Bay, Ontario)
    Well, this was a -- this was a weekend. I'll just say that. Pics and (half of the) story are here.

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