We take training for a Wyrd Sisters concert very seriously - as all good Wyrdos should.
The preparations start months in advance - normally at Laura's Rainbow Day party in January.
Preparing the Rainbow Day feast:
Laura mixes funny drinks.
(Actually, I believe I am attempting to spear a marachino cherry with a parasol in this shot.)
The cheesecake!
(I'm not sure who's idea it was to frame this shot up in front of my brother's grad photo.)
Of course, we rehearse our dances:
The crowd waits in eager anticipation as Laura cues up a Wyrd CD.
And soon, everyone is dancing!
Elisabeth taught her little brother some steps,
while Mandy and Beryl worked with the youngest Wyrdo.
Jurgen and Elisabeth.
Baby Agnes - grooving to the Wyrd Sisters.
Jurgen was soon ready to go solo
and Claire and Elisabeth, not to be outdone by a youngster, tried out a few moves of their own.
Even Kendal joined the dance.

(Kendal is a big Wyrd Sisters fan!)
But Ashton wasn't so sure

(Overwhelmed by all of the excitement, I think.)
The dads watched the dancers

John (Laura's father) and Doug (Elisabeth, Jurgen and Agnes' father)
More fun at Rainbow Day:

(Notice that the food is almost all gone -
Training for a Wyrd Sisters concert is hard work!)
As usual, we had a party on the day of the concert to get into the proper mood and make ourselves beautiful for the Wyrd Sisters.
Clockwise from top left: Claire, Mandy (in the mirror), Laura and Heather get ready for the Wyrd Sisters.

Mandy, Elisabeth and Loretta at the Getting Ready party
Dancing at the concert:
Heather chose the sophisticated red scarf look.
Mandy and Laura opted to go red all the way.
Elisabeth is wearing a gorgeous custom-made dress, created by her mom Helga on the afternoon of the concert.
Claire is styling in her Wyrd Sisters t-shirt and red skirt.
The London Ladies in Red

Heather, Laura, Mandy, Loretta, Helga
Claire & Elisabeth
and our boy
(who's not such a little boy anymore!)

Even Pooh Bear dressed up for the Wyrd Sisters!
Thanks to Kim, Nancy, Kiva, Julene, Sunny and Orchestra London, for a wonderful evening - once again!
This web page was cobbled together by Laura.