"I have to go," said Elisabeth. "It has been very nice to meet all of you and a lot of fun to dance with you."

"The pleasure's been perfectly pleasing for pixies," replied the RFQ.

"Come and visit us again
Whenever you should have the yen,"

rhymed the Triceratops.

"Thankyou," said Elisabeth. "I will. Goodbye Triceratops! Goodbye faeries!"

Goodbye Triceratops!  Goodbye faeries!

As Elisabeth waved goodbye to her new friends, she heard the voice again, this time somewhat closer and more recognizable.

"Elisabeth! Breakfast!"

Elisabeth turned around, and there was her father, standing in the doorway of the T.V. room. The Triceratops and the faeries and all of Raindancer World had vanished, and Elisabeth found herself back in her own house at the Coves.

"There you are Elisabeth," said Elisabeth's father. "Breakfast is ready. We're having Judgemental Eggs."

So Elisabeth joined her family for breakfast. She had been on Raindancer World for two whole days and two nights, but it was as if no time at all had passed at the Coves. Elisabeth tried to tell her family all about her adventures, but her family just said, "Elisabeth, you have a very good imagination!"

The End