"Do all of the faeries speak like you?" Elisabeth asked the Yellow Faerie Queen.
"Faeries frolic fearlessly forming fanciful phrases for fun," the YFQ replied.
"Every elf effortlessly elevates eloquence," added the RFQ.
"Not every," a small voice piped up from the ranks of the Turquoise Faeries.
There was a scuffle amongst the Turquoise Faeries as they alternately attempted to silence the one who had spoken or to bring him forward. Eventually, the ranks in favour of presenting the strangely spoken faerie to Elisabeth won out, and a young imp was unceremoniously dragged through the band of Turquoise Faeries by the scruff of his neck and dumped at Elisabeth's feet.
"Little Lillyput is linguistically lacking," said the Turquoise Faerie Queen of the young imp.
"It is true that I speak differently from the other faeries," said Little Lillyput, "but I think that I can learn the Chocolate Chant."
"Perhaps 'Put will prove us proud presently," said the TFQ.
Elisabeth and the Triceratops and all of the faeries looked at Little Lillyput expectantly.