The faeries and the Triceratops all cheered, danced about, ate chocolate, and chanted Elisabeth's name. Presently, the Yellow Faerie Queen stopped nibbling for long enough to address Elisabeth again.

"Well, young whelp, when will you witch the weyr walls?"

"I cannot enchant the cave walls," said Elisabeth.

There was a gasp amongst all of the faeries, followed by a stunned silence and an even larger gasp followed by an even more stunned silence from the Triceratops, who knew just how far they had journeyed to bring back the Chocolate Chant and who had had a considerably longer time than the faeries to get used to the idea of success on his recent mission with Elisabeth. It was the RFQ who finally broke the silence.

"I daresay dear Dragon might dare to dine in the daylight."

"You don't undersand," said Elisabeth. "The rock will stop making chocolate as soon as I return home. I cannot be the one to enchant the cave walls because I live too far away. Someone who lives at Rainbow Beach must learn the Chocolate Chant. One of you."

"Oh dear, oh my, oh what a pain
You'll have to tell it to us again."

said the Triceratops.

Elisabeth obliged:

"Chocolate, chocolate, come to stay
Don't wait for another day
All the raindancers want to play!"

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