"This place isn't quite what I had pictured in a Tree Troll prison," remarked Amanda.

"The enchantment of this gentle grove
Is worked by magick from my treasure trove
But the prison spell is Tree Troll wove"

explained the Winsome Witch. With a flourish of her hand, she waved away the spell, and the beautiful grove dissolved into the air, leaving Amanda and the witch standing side by side in the close quarters of the Tanglewood tunnel.

"There's a clear path back to the Blue Faeries from here!" exclaimed Amanda. "It is dark but not dangerous. I travelled this route myself to get to you and encountered no obstacles nor the dreaded Tree Trolls. You're not trapped at all! Follow me!"

Amanda turned to lead the Winsome Witch through the tunnel and back to the faeries, but Winsome stopped her with a hand upon her arm.

"My grove spell hid the mess
Of each vine-wrapped tangled tress
But 'twas but a dream I 'fess.

By my long locks Trolls opress
Me, bound to this spot unless
You prevail and ease my stress."

Amanda could see nothing in the dark of the tunnel, so the Winsome Witch guided Amanda's hand up to her hair. The witch's long tresses were tangled with thick vines which bound her firmly to that spot in the tunnel.

Amanda tried to work the witch's hair free from the vines, but could make no progress in the oppressive darkness. Indeed, it seemed that for each lock which Amanda worked free, new vines grew up to entrap two more, so that Winsome became even more firmly rooted to this spot.

"It's no use!" pouted Amanda. "I'll never get you free of all this mess!"

"Think you I tried this not myself?
This here tangled massive wealth
Of vines was magicked by an elf."

"These vines are the Tree Trolls doing? And that is why you cannot break free of them. They're enchanted vines." Amanda was finally beginning to grasp what they were up against in effecting this escape.

"The nature of my plight you've guessed
Seek the Trolls, from here head west
May Wyrd speed you on your quest."

"Head west? But ... west is that way." Amanda pointed along the tunnel. West led away from the faeries and further into the dark heart of Twilight Tanglewood. Who knew what dangers lay upon that route? Amanda wasn't sure that even the Wyrd Sisters themselves could provide her with enough protection to make that journey safely. And, even if she did survive the perils of the Tanglewood tunnel and succeeded in finding the Tree Trolls, what would she say to them? How would she win the Winsome Witch's freedom?

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